Time Flies...

by Valley Wealth Group on

Two years ago, we made the necessary changes to keep our clients as the focus of our business model by forming Valley Wealth Group.  As we celebrate the 2nd Anniversary of Valley Wealth Group, we are proud of what we’ve accomplished.  The size of our team has doubled with the addition of Michael...

Looking ahead...

by Valley Wealth Group on

A lot can happen in a year.  When I look back at all we’ve accomplished over the past year, I have to smile.  In August, 2015, we embarked on an adventure to create a place where the needs of the client outweigh all else.  At this point, I would say we’re well on our way.

This year has been spent...

Getting Your Financial House in Order

by Valley Wealth Group on

Getting Your Financial Paperwork in Good Order


 Help make things easier for your loved ones when you leave this world.


Provided by Valley Wealth Group


Who wants to leave this world with their financial affairs in good order? We all do, right? None of us wants to leave a collection of...

The Brexit Shakes Global Markets

by Valley Wealth Group on

The Brexit Shakes Global Markets


A worldwide selloff occurs after the United Kingdom votes to leave the European Union.


Provided by Valley Wealth Group


A wave of anxiety hit Wall Street Friday morning. Thursday night, the United Kingdom elected to become the first nation state to leave...

BREXIT - Market Update

by Valley Wealth Group on

Market Flash – June 24, 2016- U.K. Decision to Leave the E.U.


Earlier this morning, United Kingdom voters, in a narrow decision, voted to leave the European Union. In response to the decision, British Prime Minister David Cameron, who led the campaign to remain within the European Union, vowed...

In the realm of investment advice, value is defined by what you receive from your advisory relationship that meets or exceeds your expectations. For most clients, it has much less to do with pricing or investment performance, than it has to do with the fulfillment of promises and commitments made at...

Watching the roller coaster ride of the stock market can make many investors queasy.  Even though the stock market has, historically, always trended up, investors can’t help but feel uneasy as they watch the values of their portfolios rise and fall with the market. That is, unless they also have a...

The Daily Choices of Financial Freedom

by Valley Wealth Group on

If given the choice, most people would choose financial freedom over financial servitude. Who doesn’t want to be financially independent where their money is working for them as opposed to them working for money? The problem for many is that kind of choice is an abstract exercise of futility as they...

Whole Life Insurance for the Recent College Graduate

by Valley Wealth Group on

When one thinks of a college graduation gift the things that come to mind is a new car, an overseas trip, a cash bonus, or maybe a new set of clothes for the job interview circuit. Whole life insurance doesn’t usually make it on most people’s list, however, it could just be the best gift college...

Will you be Psychologically Ready to Retire?

by Valley Wealth Group on

For anyone approaching retirement you’ve probably got a checklist for your countdown to the big day.

Do I have enough saved for a long, financially secure retirement? Check.

Did I file the right paperwork at the office? Check.

Is my professional exit strategy in place and ready? Check.

Is my...

How to Reduce Life Insurance Costs

by Valley Wealth Group on

With rates as low and competitive as they have ever been, it’s as close to a “buyers” market in life insurance as we’ll get.  Still, in these cash-strapped times, curbing all costs and expenses is a priority for most people, and buying life insurance is no different. While the cost of life insurance...